גרסת המובייל והטאבלט של האתר תעלה בימים הקרובים, לבינתיים אנו ממליצים להיכנס לאתר ממחשב שולחני או נייד.

ירושלים במלוא הדרה

משרד מכירות רח’ קינג דיוויד 16, ירושלים
טל׳ 972-2-502-5502
פקס 972-2-532-3532


Jerusalem of White Gold

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Time is running out! Our sales office reports that the buildings are very quickly approaching 100% occupancy

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Time is running out! Our sales office reports that the buildings are very quickly approaching 100% occupancy. In a brief recap of sales throughout the entire project, which includes hundreds of luxury apartments in 13 buildings, nearly every apartment in the nine buildings of Phases 1 and 2 has been sold.


Due to surging demand, we have brought the next 2 buildings in Phase 3 to market: HaGefen and HaEshkol. We welcome you to reach out to our sales office and take advantage of this priceless opportunity. These apartments are the last of their kind to be sold in the current line of Jerusalem Estates, after which only 2 buildings will remain: HaRimon and HaEsrog, of Phase 4. These buildings are set to go on sale in a few months and will include a special collection of larger apartments, with unique specifications and at a separate price point.


Construction Carries On

At this point, we can say with satisfaction that the majority of construction is already behind us. BS”D, the rate of progress has been truly impressive from Phases 1-4, amid the advancements of the fast-paced construction sector.


Jerusalem of White Gold

A pristine mantle of white snow covered Jerusalem last week. The Schneller complex received a European treatment for one day, as the historic buildings of Jerusalem Estates as well as the Amphora Garden and its verdant parks were adorned with a beautiful wintry air.


Winter is a time of patience as we wait for our investments to bear fruit.  But if you just look around the corner, you can already discern the blossoms of spring, which aren’t as far off as you think…


Wishing you a healthy winter,